TBC - Privacy

Tauranga Boys’ College (TBC) values the privacy of every individual’s personal information and is committed to the protection of personal information.

TBC has established a privacy regime that strives to:

  • Promote an understanding and acceptance of the privacy principles and their objectives throughout the TBC community.
  • Educate people within TBC about information privacy.
  • Handle any complaints received in an efficient and appropriate manner.
  • Monitor privacy compliance and keep TBC privacy procedures updated.

TBC takes all reasonable steps to ensure that the personal information it holds is protected against loss, access, use or modification other than with the authority of TBC.

You have a right to access personal information that TBC holds about you, subject to any exceptions in the Privacy Act 1993. You also have a right to request correction of personal information that TBC holds about you. If you wish to seek access to or request correction of your personal information, or inquire about the handling of your personal information, contact us by email at [email protected]